I made a rhubarb pie yesterday. We enjoyed it and finished it off tonight for dessert. I might have been picking away at it during the day. I always use my Granny's pie plate for these type of double crust pies. It reminds me of childhood Sundays when she would arrive for lunch bearing “unbought delicacies”, to quote Virgil, and when in season, rhubarb pie was often amongst them.
We had a nice weekend. I felt really well on Saturday and got a lot done in the kitchen and spare room. I even got a couple of hours in the polycrub.
Sunday was quieter. Actually it wasn't because a neighbour was using some really noisy machinery - a strimmer I think. Its just not something that people do here. The culture of the Sabbath day rest still remains- even although not everyone goes to church. So that was irritating. It's not a bad thing to have a proper day off and the majority of us here cherish that.
Anyway it was quiet inside the house. I pottered about making a slow cooked Greek lamb dish, podded some broad beans and made the pie.
We watched some of the UFC fights from the previous night - what a great card it was. I cast on the Mysterium Tee - a free pattern on Ravelry. I'm really liking the way it works and the golden linen cotton and mohair combination I'm knitting it in.
I also started getting bits and pieces organised for our trip to Canada in the summer, but i will need to crack on with that. It's going to be a really busy couple of months ahead and I don't have much spare time.
Today was almost normal. The boy went back to school full time and I almost got back into my routine. Tidied up, laundry, watered polycrubs, made pitta bread, did a bit more in the spare room, some admin too, then into town to take the boy to his boxing gym.
Quite a lot when I see it written down.
Dinner was leftover lamb made into some kind of gyros thing with homemade pitta, green salad and tzatziki.
As I suspected, J fell asleep on the sofa after dinner, so I made him go to bed. I decided to have an early night too as I'm very tired.
For all its the eve of the summer solstice, it's cold and miserable here, so I've put a hot water bottle in the bed. I'm looking forward to catching another couple of chapters in my book.
There's a big crowd already up at the standing stones, but, looking at the forecast, I doubt they'll get their sunrise. Hopefully there won't be midnight fireworks this year.