Thursday 16th June 2022

Well we certainly aren't getting a heatwave today - in fact it looks decidedly dull and wet for the foreseeable future. I'm not complaining in the least though. I've got so much to do in the house right now. My dear friend and her son are coming for their annual visit next week and standards have slipped considerably during our illness. I made a good start on the bedrooms this afternoon and I'll just work away over the next few days and get it done. Hopefully I'll manage out in between rain showers to do a couple of bits and pieces outside.

This morning I took the boy into school just after morning break. He'll be back full time next week, but the phased return was a good thing to do. The term ends at the end of the week anyway, so he'll benefit from the long summer holiday too.

I had some work to do for the community council, which involved a trip to the post office. Our local PO is in the visitor centre, which has a lovely cafe, so I pretended I was some chic city person and did my work sitting at a table with a coffee. There was also cake - and a bacon roll before that… The dishwasher was broken so they had to use takeaway cups. The coffee was good though.

It was a really nice change. Lots of tourists about - French, German, English. A few locals too and I caught up with someone I last saw 3 days before the first lockdown. It was very wet though - that fine smirring rain that soaks everything, so all the cyclists were dripping wet when they came in.

That was it mainly. The boy came home on the normal school bus, we had a noodle stir fry for tea and then I went out and watered the polycrubs. I'm going to feed all the fruiting plants tomorrow in the morning so I like the soil to be nice and damp for that.

I did some rounds on my sock- always one on the go, and watched some of the insurrection hearings on CNN.

I'm planning to do a longer post about the books I've been reading lately- hopefully tomorrow or the weekend. Tonight I'm going to start The Shell Seekers. I'm just in the mood for some over the top tweeness.