Wednesday 12th January 2022

Today would have been John's birthday. I always feel a wee bit fragile on big days like this. It always used to catch me out - so close after Christmas. Birthday gifts were often last minute or bought at the sales. We usually went out for a nice lunch or dinner, though, and I would always make a cake.

My brother in law phoned, as he always did when John was here, but he continues to mark the day. I appreciate that so much. We had a good chat - mostly jokey banter, but we both remembered.

I mostly pottered about today. Cleaned out the fridge, made a start on the spare room, flattened out some cardboard boxes and organised the recycling, ready to take to the dump.

Dinner was the leftover dahl from yesterday. I made enough for two nights. It was still as good. I could eat a bowl everyday.

The weather hasn't been great today - windy and rainy. Everywhere else seemed to have sunshine and amazing sunrises.

Hopefully it will be a bit nicer tomorrow and I can get outside into the garden.