Tuesday 21st June 2022
It's all looking very pink and green out on the back patio this solstice evening. There's guitar playing and singing going on up at the stone circle - a mini festival of sorts. It's been very busy up there for a few days - lots of campers and vans. It was grey and drizzly at dawn. Not so much a sunrise - more a gradual lightening of grey. Its looking better this evening so a lot of folk seem to have stayed on.
I was slow to get going this morning, but I pushed through and got a few things done. On the way to the gym, I went to the recycling centre and dropped off a whole load of cardboard I had been hoarding in the shed. I had some vague notion of making several no dig beds at some point, but I wasn't being realistic. I can barely cope with the growing space I have now.
Once that was out, I had loads of room in the hut, so I was able to move the garden shredder out from the entrance hall. Another small step towards organisation.
We went back to our gym sessions today, so that was kind of normal. Not too taxing a sessionas we get slowly back into it.
I had made tuna pasta bake for dinner but there was far too much pasta to sauce. It was alright. At least it was ready to heat up quickly as we were hungry when we got home.
So that's it for today. I slept really well after my early night so I'm going to try and get as many in as I can. Day at home tomorrow so hopefully I'll get into the garden.