Saturday 23rd March 2024
The wind has been crazy here the last few days. Its not so much the strength, although it has been a constant gale since Thursday night. It’s the direction - NNW. Such an unusual direction - everything is geared up to be sheltered from the South West, so by the time I realised, the blue recycling bin had blown over and disgorged its contents all over the croft.
That was quite annoying, because i’m usually very good at securing everything.
Yesterday was town and gym in the morning, and helping out with one of my community projects in the afternoon. I was so tired when I got home, I was in bed and lights out by 8, and didn't even read.
Felt better today, and had a nice relaxed morning. It’s been too windy and cold to do much outside, but I sowed the smaller tomatoes and a tray of beetroot. If all the tomato seedlings come up I will have about 50 plants. I’m definitely going to select the strongest to grow on. You see if I don't..