Wednesday 20th March 2024
It’s been a beautiful day here today. Very much the calm before the storm though. Another gale coming in overnight, and looking very dodgy on Friday too. I heard that the ferry has been cancelled. Of course its the Equinox today. We always get gales at this time.
I have some pots of tulips flowering beautifully in the polycrub, but I really was hoping to display them outside. Maybe by the end of next week they can go out, when the wind has died down a bit. If not I’ll just pick them and enjoy them in the house.
My big tomatoes germinated this morning. I was really pleased, as they were quite old seed. The Beefsteak were from 2019, and the Black Russian were even older, and saved from a previous crop. I had bought a packet of Marmande just to be safe, so I sowed 4 for insurance. I'll find a spot for them somewhere.
Really had a day of gardening today. I started forking over the third raised bed, and it was relatively easy going. I planted up a tray of broad beans into the big polycrub and gave everything a watering. I have some new strawberry runners to put in, but i’m letting them soak for a day or two.
Then a young lad from the next village arrived in his tractor to do some work for me. I had asked him to pull up some palletts and fencing that had become seriously embedded in long grass behind the potting shed. It was very easy for him with the tractor, so that’s a good job done. I’m not exactly sure what to do with that space now. I’ll strim it back and see what evolves.
We had moussaka for dinner tonight, with a tomato and onion salad. It was delicious, and the boy had seconds. I have a chicken cooking now to make a pie tomorrow. I’m definitley feeling more inspired this week, but it’s a lot more effort.
I don't think I'll be late in bed tonight. I was at the gym yesterday and did a lot of abs work. I’m feeling it today, along with the garden work, so an early night with hot water bottle and book is called for. Bliss.
I went back to Tristram Shandy. I think I've made the right decision - for now, anyway.