Sunday 9th October 2022
Sunday night already. The week has flown past. Not much really happened - the weather was cold, wet and windy. I feel as if we have gone from March straight to November. Hopefully some calm sunny Autummal days will come along.
My Internet has been excruciatingly slow too - there is a fault on the line, so I haven't been online much either.
The week was busy. I had a few appointments and meetings. The chimney sweep came, so we can have the fire on in the evenings again. The dog went to the groomers, and there was the usual round of shopping and gym. Meeting minutes and admin to be done for my committees, as well as attending an event on Saturday morning.
I'm almost finished my book and have been plodding away at my knitting. I'm going to cast on some socks tonight, while watching the Young Musician of the Year. I always like to have a pair on the go.
Full Hunter's Moon tonight - watch out.