Wednesday 12th Ocotber 2022
Couple of days catching up on things before the school holidays next week. The weather hasn’t been good, so I’ve been unable to get washing out, or much gardening done. I have wildflower seed to put down in the new meadow area, and I really want to get that sown this week, but it looks like I will need to dash out between heavy rain showers. Everything is so wet right now.
I had to rip out my pediment jumper. I was getting on so well with it too, but I finally realised that I had twisted it when I joined in the round. I had kind of suspected it, but always managed to convince myself that it was fine - it wasn’t. I’ll leave it until the weekend now, as I’m a bit cross with it. However, I am working on new socks with some lovely natural hand dyed wool I bought in Canada, and they are skipping along nicely.
I feel that I had a few things to write about, but they elude me at the moment. I’ve just been at a community meeting on zoom, and my head is full of the business from that. Thankfully it wasn’t too long, so the minutes will be quick to type up. I have a few emails to send in the morning, but nothing too onerous.
So that’s really it for now. Into town tomorrow morning - the boy has a dental appointment, and I will take the chance to go to the fishmongers and see what’s nice in there. Dinner tonight was a mixed grill.
I’m looking forward to the schools being off - I like not setting the alarm. We’re not planning to go anywhere - maybe a day here and there, but mostly home. There’s always something to do.