Hebridean Home and Croft

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Thursday 28th March 2024

Obviously all the tomato seeds germinated, so I’ll see what happens as they settle in.

All the tulips have flowered too - and, all at the same time. I suppose that’s what happens when they are grown in the polycrub where its nice and warm, but its been far too windy to put them outside. I don’t know what I was thinking, because its always the same every year. Gales and strong easterlies for weeks. I’ll need to re-evaluate my strategy for next year. Or move to Suffolk.

I’ve been giving away bunches to friends, which have been very appreciated, and cutting them for the house, which is nice for me.

I have family home for the Easter holiday - arriving tonight, in fact. I’m very much looking forward to that, but it will keep me busy. If I can I’ll pop in with the odd snap