Wednesday 7th February 2024
It snowed overnight - what was I saying about winter in the last entry? It started to thaw a bit, but then the temperature dropped, so its all crunchy and frozen now. The skies are crystal clear and full of stars tonight, so that will be fun in the morning.
I had my theology course early on this morning. Another wonderful session, this week looking at the death of Jesus and what it means for me. It means that He has done the work and I only have to receive that truth. Faith alone. Wonderful stuff.
I pondered on that for a while, and then had to get on with my tasks for the day. Lots of laundry to fold and put away, bit of admin and stuff to put back up in the loft
I had made a huge batch of cookie dough with some sourdough starter at the weekend and have been baking small batches every day since. I used the last of it today. They were very nice - maybe a bit cakey rather than cookie, but we weren't complaining that much.
I caught Prime Ministers Questions today - haven't seen it for months, but I was folding the laundry, so stuck the TV on. What a charade that place is - both sides as bad as each other.
Dinner was a huge plate of mince and tatties, a glass of milk and a couple of cookies. Went down very well.
I found a great wee YouTube channel about homebrewing. The man - a Canadian, was vlogging his attempt to grow his own beer from scratch. The barley, hops and yeast all from his own garden. He even had his own well for the water. It was fascinating. I think it was called Sui Generis Homebrewing, if you want to check it out.
I was interested because I have a pack of bere barley and was vaguely browsing how to grow it, when this came up. Another rabbit hole for me to plunge into - just what I need.