Wednesday 17th January 2024
More snow, but a day at home for us both, so quite relaxed.
I was starting an online theology course this morning, run by the wife of a local minister. Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at who we are in Christ. There's a lot of information to take in over the first couple of sessions, then we'll have more discussion, but it's shaping up to be very enriching. Lovely people in the group too.
I pottered around for the rest of the day - usual housework and laundry. I had fed my sourdough starter much earlier in the morning, so I mixed up a batch of dough and set it aside to do the lifting and folding. I've finally found a formula that works, and gives a nice bread. It's Gill Meller's recipe, if you can call bread a recipe - from his book Time.
After lunch I made jam. A bit random, in January, when everyone is up to their eyes in marmalade, but when I picked the raspberries and blackcurrants in the summer, I didn't have time to process them, so stuck them into the freezer. Today seemed the perfect day to tackle that job. What better way to spend a snowy afternoon than in a warm kitchen, with sticky bubbling pots of summer fruit. I got 4 full pots of blackcurrant and three of raspberry, so that should tide us over for a few months.
Dinner was Spanish mince and rice. I seem to have a lot of minced beef in the freezer, so I'm always looking for something different to do with it. This was a nice change and we both enjoyed it.
Later on I had a board meeting on zoom. It was fine, some decisions made that needed to be. We're all on the same page, so that was good.
I'm a bit concerned about the immersion heater again - the water wasn't quite as hot as I thought it should be. I did use a fair bit today though, so I'll see what it's like tomorrow. I hope it's OK.