Sunday 14th January 2024
Sunday, so up and off to church this morning. The reading was from Ephesians but the sermon took us back to the old testament, looking for Christ there. He's all through those books. The old testament is a long journey towards Him. Of course hindsight is a wonderful thing. Good hymns today too.
Back home, just as the first snow flurries fell, made a quick lunch and tidied round. I had a bit of topside to cook for dinner, so got that on.
It was very cold and snow was on the way, so I lit the fire early and we settled down to watch the snooker and the football. I carried on knitting my sock, which i’m getting a bit bored of now. I think i’m ready for a new project.
Had dinner later and then we cracked open the Vacherin Mont d'Or while we watched the final session of the snooker. Ronnie O'Sullivan won again.
The boy has an exam tomorrow, so hopefully the roads will be OK. The snow hasn't really come to much yet, it’s more sleety rain, but the temperature has to drop during the night. It's January though - why are we always surprised?