Tuesday 20th September 2022

It's been a busy couple of days. I've been trying to make inroads with the grass raking on the area I want the wildflower meadow to be. I want to remove as much of the cut grass as I can before any new growth comes through, so I'm popping out and doing a shift when I get a spare moment.

Yesterday I watched some of the funeral coverage. I liked the actual services. I could definitely be an Anglican if I lived in England - just enough ritual for me, and I love the choir music. I suppose i’d need to attend a big cathedral for that though. Not really sure how it works.

Busy this morning too, getting the house tidied, laundry sorted, and dinner prepped for later. I even managed an hour of grass raking. (That's going to feature in the routine for a wee while until its done.)

A quick shower, lunch, then into town for a mini shop at the Co-op, before the Tuesday gym sessions,

Energy was flagging and I struggled today, but pushed through on the bike. I didn't manage to finish the arm workout, though. I think I was still a bit lethargic after the Monday holiday.

Home - and dinner, which was billed as a “Western Omelette”, although it was more of a scramble when I had finished with it. Very tasty though. We had it with fries and broccoli.

It was the Bake-Off tonight. Biscuit week. I had thought vaguely about making some biscuits to have while watching it, but I let that ball drop and opted for a couple of chocolate digestives instead. Excellent choice. No spoilers, because I know some readers don't get the programme until later.

Bedtime beckons and I have a couple of new to me books I picked up at the Co-Op charity book stand. Not sure whether to go with the wartime romance or the Phillip Roth…

In other news, I have finally finished knitting the Mysterium Tee. I’ll block it tomorrow to open up the lace edgings, but i’m very happy with it.