Hebridean Home and Croft

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Wednesday 22nd June 2022

Another busy day getting ready for my visitors - the guest room is ready and looks really fresh. There is more juggling of beds nowadays as the boys are a lot older now, but we manage. I got most of the floors mopped and woodwork cleaned, so I am getting there.

I put up a shelf unit that had been languishing on the hall floor for months. It was very tricky to hang and it is slightly squint. I should have waited till the boy was home, but we have walked past this and ignored it for month - even piling things on top, so I took a snap decision and went for it. I didn’t get out to the garden though.

I spent far longer than I expected organising an upgrade for my phone. I’d had a few issues with it over the past wee while, and the battery isn’t holding the charge for as long now. I have had it for a few years, and I have this important family trip coming up, so I went for the upgrade when I had the chance. My old phone has a good home to go to. But it took so long to organise - I actually knitted several rounds on my sock during the call.

Not much else to report. I am tired again, as I did do a lot of heavy lifting and was up and down to the loft several times. Dinner was leftover tuna pasta - it tasted better today. I had some for lunch too. There was a lot…

I had minutes to do for two of the meetings I clerk, and some emailing for one of them, so the emails are done and one set of minutes complete. I’m going to stop now, make a no-caff and settle down to watch The Repair Shop and the semi-final of the Great British Sewing Bee.

Berries every day now.