Thursday 9th December 2021

Not much to say about today. Caught up with housework- kitchen cleaned, recycling sorted, laundry kept going. Made a wreath for the front door, but the hook came off and I can’t find any of the sticky strip things, so it’s sitting on the bench outside the door for now.

Did a fair bit of knitting on my hat. I am really enjoying it - the yarns held together feel so soft and the colour is beautiful I love the pattern too, although it’s miles of knitting round and round in 4 ply, it’s a really good mindless project. Or is it mindful… maybe both? I think so.

My younger daughter's dog had gone missing a couple of days ago. The gate had been left open and she wandered off. They were distraught and searched high and low for her. Happily she turned up today, hiding behind the bins in an elderly lady's back garden, not that far from their house. It had cast quite a cloud over these last few days, while she was missing, so it was a relief to hear the good news this afternoon.