Thursday 2nd December 2021
I didn't sleep well at all last might, despite feeling really tired. It was one of those nights where I felt I saw every hour but when the alarm went off I was fast asleep.
Despite that I did feel OK- energy levels were fine. I had a few plans for the day- going into town for some Christmas shopping and my workout in the afternoon, and in the morning make, make the Dundee cake - the fruit for which had been soaking in a puddle of 12 yr old malt whisky overnight. But the boy felt a bit under the weather when he got up. Nothing specific and he didn’t want to be off school. His class were spending the day making films for a Gaelic competition, and he was looking forward to it. He went off on the bus, but I was concerned I might get a call from the school nurse to pick him up at some point, so I decided against doing the cake. I just tidied up and did some laundry folding while watching a few Vlogmas videos.
In the end, he felt better and the rest of the day played out as planned. I went into town and did my things, picked the boy up after his gym session and we got pizza on the way home. I didn't get one this week. I had some chicken and pak choi stir fry instead. I did get a Black Forest hot chocolate at the pizza place though - delicious.
Noticing more and more houses with Christmas trees up and lights outside as we drove home.
I made the Dundee cake this evening. Really pleased with it. The recipe is on the BBC Good Food website.