Wednesday 1st December 2021
December first, and the countdown starts. My friend and I decided to do an advent gift swap - 24 little parcels to open every morning. I absolutely loved putting it together and sending it off to her, and was so excited when mine arrived. I opened parcel number 1 before the boy went to school. It was a bottle of gingerbread scented hand wash. It’s so lovely - I put it by the bathroom sink and i’ve been using it all day. Funnily enough, my first gift to her was a gingerbread scented candle. I wonder how close our choices will be.
It was a nice day - sunny but cold. I got my housework done quickly and got out to the garden. I had a couple of bags of daffodils to plant. I want them to naturalise in the woodland area. I also had a few odd pots of things I hadn't got round to planting over the summer, so they went in too. I have quite a lot of small plants that I grew from seed, sitting over at the big polycrub, that I need to make decisions on - plant out now, overwinter, or grow on in bigger pots? I need to read up and see what's best.
It was really good to get outside and working again. I cut the last of the chrysanthemums that I had grown in the wee polycrub. They have been amazing and have filled the vases abundantly for months.
I hung a washing out too.
After lunch I lit the fire, worked on my secret knitting project and enjoyed a film and a hot chocolate. It is December after all.
I am finding the housework easier to keep on top of,after all that decluttering and cupboard organisation.
Dinner was tuna burgers with leftover rice and lentils, broccoli and a green salad.
I’m really tired tonight though - it must have been all the fresh air.