Hebridean Home and Croft

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Monday 29th November 2021

The schools here always have a long weekend at the end of November. It is called the Thanksgiving holiday, although not in the sense of the American equivalent. No turkeys are harmed. Its really a religious holiday of Thanksgiving services and local communions, but has morphed, over the years, into an opportunity to go to the mainland for the Christmas shopping.

We stayed home - probably most people did, as there was a storm forecast. It didn't really come to much here, but further East in Aberdeenshire there were trees down, and much of instagram appears to be covered in snow.

I'm trying to remember what we actually did, but its all a blur now. I did a bit of cooking and knitting, wrapped some presents for Canada and posted them off, took bags to the charity shop. It’s all such a whirl of excitement. Oh - there was a lovely zoom knit night, with lots of laughter.

I set some orange slices to dry and made a nice wee table decoration. Beginning to think about such things now. It will inevitably creep in to everything. I’ve given myself a challenge of posting a daily snap of something seasonal during December. No essay length captions, just a word or two. I’m calling it my #silentadvent.