Friday 26th November 2021
The storm is here but not as bad as other areas have it. That said, I've barely ventured outside the door, apart from emptying the bin.
I got quite a lot done today. I had some committee work to do, then I gutted out the hall cupboard and reorganised it all. It looks great - and it is going to work really well. There are a few bags for the charity shop, recycling and dump, but that can wait till next week.
Ready to start clearing the spare room now - I might make a wee start tomorrow.
I spent the best part of the day working on that, so there isn't much to report.
Dinner was steak in mushroom sauce with roast spiced pumpkin and potato wedges.
We didn't move far from the fire after that. Got quite a few rows of knitting done and had a hot chocolate with a glug of Tia Maria added to it. Very cosy.