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Thursday 11th April 2024

Just me, moaning about how busy I am again. Work type things seem relentless right now and there always seems to be something else popping up that takes me away from my garden plans. And, of course, there is the weather…

Anyway, I got through a couple of meetings that I wasn’t looking forward to, and they were fine. The Apostle Paul has some very good advice about anxiety.

Not really a lot to report that is bloggable this week. Had a nice visit from a Board colleague today to discuss a photographic project we are planning. It involves drones, which is exciting, but also means we have to wait weeks until this infernal wind dies down.

I’ve planted a few herbs and flower seeds, but I want to do a lot more. I lost a few of my delphinium plants which I thought I had put in a sheltered spot, but I turned out to be mistaken. I still haven’t got the strawberry plants in yet - blah, blah, blah… April is the cruellest month, as the man said.

I’m reading The Illyrian Spring, by Ann Bridge, a lyrical, gentle and romantic story, set in what is now Croatia, I think. I am really enjoying it - especially the descriptions of the countryside and architecture.

It is, however, making me long for some spring warmth, especially when the gales and rain are lashing my windows as I read. A wee trip to the Adriatic coast would be perfect right now.

Almost finished the hoodie for my grandson - possibly by next weekend, as I don’t think I have any meetings. Mind you, I feel that there may be something on the 16th, but can’t see what. It will emerge, I am sure.