Sunday 17th March 2024
Sunday evening already. I haven’t lit the fire today as it hasn’t been cold, and it was light until after 6 pm. I tend to let it slip as the evenings get longer - mainly because I forget. I must be programmed by the length of day or something.
Yesterday was different - such a chill wind. I was outside most of the day - well, in the polycrub mostly. I was faffing around planting up pots and potting on some of the plants I had been keeping under cover over the winter. I sowed quite a few flowers and created a wee display of bulbs in pots on the table outside the potting shed. It is very pretty - I’ll take a picture.
I finished reading I Capture the Castle. I really enjoyed it, although I did get annoyed at them all near the end. It reminded me a lot of Cold Comfort Farm - in a good way, I think. I only finished it last night. (I was being a bit optimistic in my last post.)
Now I’m not sure what to pick up now. I have pulled out Brideshead Revisited, and also a vintage children’s book by Leon Garfield called The Strange Affair of Adelaide Harris, but I can’t decide. I do feel Anna Karenina calling far off in the distance, but I’m not quite ready to commit to her yet. There’s also Tristram Shandy to get back to, and a couple of others that are waving to me from the shelves. So many choices, but thankfully I am in a reading groove again. I think I’ll go with the Leon Garfield and then see what appeals after that.
I’m still knitting away on my grandson’s hoodie and I started another sock to take to Edinburgh with me. I only got two rounds done while waiting in Stornoway airport for the flight down, then it sat, forgotten, in my bag.
I’m in a bit of a cooking slump just now. Nothing is quite hitting the mark. We had roast chicken today, which was really quite dry. The cardamom rice pudding was good though. Yesterday I made a lovely looking (and smelling) venison curry, but it turned out to be disappointingly tasteless. Spicy but bland, if that can be imagined. I’m definintely ready for some fresh spring and summer recipes now.
Not sure if there is much on next week. A couple of things I can think of, but nothing too onerous. Bet you can’t wait…