Sunday 11th February 2024
I realised a couple of hours ago, that I haven’t taken any photos over the last few days, so I had to nip out the back door and take a quick snap for the blog, Apologies for the same view twice in a row, but the snow has gone, the ewes are home, and its still light at 5.30 pm.
It’s been a busy few days. I have four meetings coming up next week, so there’s been a fair bit of preparation and reading up to do. I didn’t have a gym session on Friday, so just stayed home and got the housework and admin done, before a teams meeting in the afternoon.
The monthly women’s prayer meeting was yesterday. It was a joy to be there and share fellowship with this amazing group of women. We’ve only been going for a few months, and may of us had never met before, but it seems so established and I feel among true friends. Today, our theme was missions - local and global. Our speaker urged us to think “where is our mission field?” It is where we are at any given time.
Seeds have been popping up here and there in the propagator, so I’ve been moving things in and out. I sowed two big trays of sweet peas, one is in the propagator and one is waiting on the Musselburgh leeks to germinate and it can go in. Broad beans next I think. I’ll be glad when these meetings are over and things have hopefully settled down a bit, and I can spend a good few days in the garden and polycrubs getting on with that work.
Church this morning - a powerful sermon from Romans 11. The Biblical view of God’s promises to Israel. Thought-provoking stuff.
Dinner was roast gammon, roast potatoes, and Brussels sprouts. I made a semolina pudding for dessert, as I seemed to have a lot of milk. I spent the afternoon proofreading for a presentation for one of the meetings next week, while half watching the football.
I think the boy wants to watch the Superbowl, but it’s on very late and it’s school tomorrow. From what I’ve seen, they only appear to play for about 30 minutes out of about 4 hours of filler TV. But, what do I know - only 115 million people watched it last year.
In case you are wondering about the marmalade - they weren’t Seville oranges at all, but normal Jaffas! Someone must have put them in the wrong place on the supermarket display. I’ll get more next week, so keep tuning in…