Hebridean Home and Croft

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Sunday 4th September 2022

I should rename this blog The Housework Chronicles as that's basically all it is. Confessions of a Housewife? Maybe not - probably been done already, anyway …

But I'm not apologising for it in any way. Housework is not just a dreary list of the same old chores to get through, but essential tasks that aid in our wellbeing. Running the home and croft is what I do. I have productive days and down times, depending on my energy levels, but its the best job I've ever had.

I've had a really productive spell lately. I got all the sofa covers washed and dried - ditto cushion covers and throws. I aired all the cushions and re-stuffled the back of the biggest sofa. The boy and dog tend to throw themselves on there, and it's a bit worse for wear, but now it looks very smart and doesn't sag anymore.

Floors are all scrubbed and I've redecorated the bathroom. I finished it off today, and I'm very happy with it.

I'm determined to get as organised as i can before the winter. I want to get our clothes storage sorted out, and make better use of the wardrobe in the spare room.

That spare room - I've tried to work out a purpose for it, as it so easily becomes a dumping ground when there are no visitors. Its mainly a repository for the book overflow and the yarn stash and knitting notions. There is a sofa bed in it, and it's a really pleasant room when it's tidied up. It's high on my to do list.

Nice pottering sort of day today. Finished the decorating, made a French Pear Cake and roasted a chicken for dinner.

I cleared out the fridge. Always a mammoth task to go through that accumulation of bottles and jars of pastes and sauces that are supposed to be used within the week once opened, but are still there months later. They're all emptied, washed and in the recycling now, and I'm enjoying just opening the fridge and looking in.

I finished listening to Lark Rise on Audible. The ending came suddenly. There I was enjoying Queen Victoria's jubilee celebrations then I was whisked forward in time to after WW1 and the sad ending.

Later on I watched the BBC Proms with the Chineke Orchestra playing Beethoven's 9th Symphony.

A triumphant performance.