Sunday 12th June 2022
I did get Covid. It was always going to happen. A couple of days after the boy tested positive, I began to feel ill and after a couple of negatives, those two lines eventually appeared.
It's been horrible. We've only just started to feel better in the last few days. Wednesday was the first day I felt I had the energy to pick up where I left off. The boy is starting back to school tomorrow on a phased return. We've just been absolutely wiped out. I cannot imagine how awful and scary it must have been to have caught this virus in the pre-vaccine days.
My cousin was supposed to have spent last week with us but we had to cancel- hopefully we can reschedule in the Autumn.
So we've basically lost a fortnight, but, fortunately we got through it.
The garden and polycrub had to fend for themselves mostly. I did manage to drag myself over to wave a hose around, but that was it. I'm horribly behind with everything, but I'll just keep going and see what happens.
The soft fruit is coming in now - strawberries everyday, early blueberries and summer raspberries beginning to show up too. I picked a load yesterday in a very stylish cardboard box from amazon - my instagrammable wicker basket just never seems to be at hand when I need it.
I haven't been on instagram since I fell ill. It's really annoying me right now. So full of “content creation” and it just feels so fake. I'm contemplating breaking free from it. Quite a telling sentence right there…
I've read so many books lately. I might do a reading post sometime soon if I get the time. Right now I'm reading Barchester Towers, by Anthony Trollope. I love it - so funny and gentle; brilliant characters that I really enjoy spending time with. In fact - I'm just off to join them now.