Hebridean Home and Croft

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Sunday 16th October 2022

Sunday night already. Even though it's the school holidays now, there is still that sense of ending and regret, as Monday morning looms.

Mind you, I've just been watching an evening of T S Eliot on BBC4, which included an amazing performance by Ralph Fiennes, of the Four Quartets. Stunning, but melancholic, so probably added to the feeling. All those endings and beginnings and still points.

I almost finished my sock, while watching it.

I ended up with a few errands to run on Friday and got back late in the afternoon so didn't have much time to do anything else.

Saturday afternoon, however, was glorious, and I spent most of it doing some work on the gate to the croft. This was a prime position from which to chat to anyone who went past, and, as it was such a nice day, I had several pleasant conversations over the fence.

Today was the usual quiet Sunday. I like to make lists for the week ahead and do some vague planning. It's always a bit looser during the holidays. I caught up on some reading, chatted to the boy, lit the fire, cooked dinner - that sort of thing.

I still have the kitchen to clear up, so I'll go and do that now, before book and bed.