Hebridean Home and Croft

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Thursday 6th January 2022

It was such a wet and windy day. School was back and it was dark when I dropped him off and dark when I picked him up. Some of his friends didn't make it in till lunchtime because some of the causeways were flooded.

I got a lot done in the house - a good clean and tidy, bathroom, floors, laundry - all that kind of stuff.

I'm getting quite alarmed at the amount of magazines I have amassed. Mostly home and gardening ones. It’s getting out of hand, so no more. I think I'll sort them into bundles and take them to the charity shops. There's really no need to be buying them now that we have so much inspiration online.

I never got round to decluttering spare room during my pre-Christmas clearout, so I want to start on that soon.

Because it was such a miserable dark day, I lit the fire early, and when I sat down after a late lunch, I found myself dozing off. I just went with it and enjoyed a delicious wee nap. I hope I still sleep tonight.