Tuesday 19th January 2022
I felt really flat for a few days. Maybe just the effects of John's birthday. These things sometimes catch me out. I had really been feeling full of energy and positivity and then crashed quite abruptly. There was nothing else for it but wait for it to pass, which it did a couple of days later - as suddenly as it arrived.
I found that the online world- especially social media, was really annoying, and it was best to stay away. The political situation was (and still is) horrendous and I think that might have had a lot to do with my low mood.
I’m feeling better now - still just doing my usual things around the house and in and out of town. I’m starting to think more about the garden and the coming growing season. I’m determined not to start too early though, as I got caught out with some late frosts last year - unusual for us here. Also, I hope some travel may be on the cards this year, so I need to factor that in to any growing plans.
I took a walk down the croft today to look at the trees and pond. It was really windy and cold and I procrastinated all day, but finally went down late afternoon. It was a good call - the light was beautiful and the trees have grown well and look really strong. There were a couple of ducks on the pond, but they flew off as I approached. It was nice to spend some time there and it cheered me no end - especially when I look at what I have created in this space.
I’m hoping to plant some more in different areas this year, but I don't want to become overwhelmed. I need to remember that there is only one of me, however many inspired ideas and plans I come up with.