Hebridean Home and Croft

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Wednesday 22nd December 2021

Really not much to report at all today. I did a lot of housework - cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, straightened up everywhere else. Did three loads of washing and folded up a big basket of clean laundry that had been sitting for a few days. There’s only the two of us yet I never seem to catch up - one of life's mysteries…

I had a gorgeous knitting themed tree decoration in my advent calendar this morning (see picture). There are only 2 packages left to open now. Hard to believe. I've really enjoyed this advent - such a lovely thing to do - especially when the person putting it together really knows what you like.

Made my to do and shopping lists, ready for a trip to town tomorrow.

Dinner was a special request of meatballs like the ones in Ikea. They turned out OK- nothing to write home about though.

Watched Scotland's Christmas Home of the Year. Beautifully decorated houses, but the winner was my least favourite - too curated and not very Christmassy.

Off to find out what's happening in my book now.