Thursday 16th December 2021
I got a call around mid morning from the car repair shop to say the car was ready. I was very surprised as he said it would be in for a couple of days. However he said he knew I was hiring a car so he had worked late on mine so I could get it back. How thoughtful was that? And the car hire company said because it was i was returning the car within 24 hours, I would be refunded the unused days hire. Sometimes it all works out.
I drove over and dropped off the rental and picked up my own car - looking very sleek and shiny again. It’s lovely driving around in a brand new motor, but there's a real comfort in the familiarity of your own vehicle. It’s like pulling on your comfy slippers.
I was in good time to pick the boy up for his dental appointment after school. We decided in the dentist's car park to order the weekly pizza tonight instead of tomorrow, and luckily there was an available slot online. It was a good decision.
Not much happened once we got home. Pizza and cups of tea, knitting of socks and TV. A poem of an evening.
Both elder son and daughter in law have tested positive for Covid. I think they are not too bad so far. All being well they will be out of quarantine on Christmas Eve, but that's a busy time to be under the weather. Things are being cancelled everywhere here now. It feels so relentless.