Hebridean Home and Croft

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Wednesday 27th October 2021

Much better day today. Sunny mostly, with a stiff breeze.

Was kept in by admin, mostly. Many phonecalls dealing with the car insurance company, which took up a good chunk of the morning. The afternoon was spent preparing for a community meeting, planned for this evening, at which I am minute secretary. Also responding to a consultation on behalf of a different community organisation, of which I am the clerk. That took up a lot of time and I really had to concentrate.

By then it was time to pick the boy up from the bus stop on the main road. Then dinner, a chatty call from one of the girls, the meeting, which was on zoom, and then helping with chemistry homework. My brain has had a good workout today, at least.

Nice to settle back and read a chapter or two of my book, and write up my day, such as it was. I’m enjoying this wee practice- not thinking too much about it. Keeps it simple.