Hebridean Home and Croft

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Tuesday 26th October 2021

Better day today, although the weather was slightly worse. I had a good sleep, which always helps.

Had a visit from Historic Environment Scotland this morning. Well - two representatives of that body, to be exact. They had come to survey the stones in the ruins of the old Blackhouse further down the croft, to see if they could be used in the repair of Carloway Broch.

They needed some big stones to underpin the area they were working on, and had appealed to the community for help.

I was in two minds about it, because I do like the ruins - tangible reminders of the old way of life, and also there are lots of wee birds that nest there in the spring and summer. On the other hand, the Broch is an important Iron Age building, built over 2000 years ago and is the best preserved example in Scotland. I liked the idea of my stones being used to ensure the Broch stood for another millennium or two.

Anyway, they waded down through the long tangled wet grass and had a look, but it turned out my stones were too round, and they needed flatter, longer ones. So that was that.

I was secretly relieved.